• Mumbai
  • +91 9821081138
  • drgirishtrivedi@yahoo.co.in

Donation of Wheel chairs to needy students continues…

"Donation of  Wheel chairs to needy students continues…  " 20   Electronic Wheel Chair Donated to Special Children 10 Normal Wheel Chair Donated during this year 1 Electronic Wheel Chairs  Ready To be Given

Free Glaucoma Services for glaucoma patients.

Free Glaucoma Detection Free Glaucoma Drops Free Laser Surgery

Donate To Make A Difference…

  "Take a pledge to donate your eyes" Do you know that we can light the life of a blind person by donating our eyes after our death? In India, we have an estimated 4.6 million people with corneal blindness that is curable through corneal transplantation made possible by eye